Laundry Wand - Delivery van parked outside the Pasadena Rose Bowl

Laundry Pickup and Delivery Service available in Pasadena.

Is there laundry pickup and delivery service available to me in Pasadena? Absolutely, if you're located in Pasadena, CA, including the zip codes 91105, 91101, 91106, and 91108, you can take advantage of Laundry Wand's convenient laundry pickup and delivery service. We extend our service to cover all areas around Pasadena, extending into Downtown LA...

Laundry Wand's Pickup and Delivery service caters to various neighborhoods, including: South Pasadena, Huntington Blvd, Mission, Aryo Secco, Old Town, Art Center, San Marino, Pasadena, Altadena and more. You can schedule our laundry pickup and delivery service seven days a week between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. To book a pickup, simply click the "Schedule a Pickup" button anywhere on our website. With Laundry Wand's hassle-free and dependable laundry pickup and delivery service, you can leave your laundry worries behind and enjoy all the wonderful attractions that Pasadena has to offer.

Laundry Wand - Logo painted on the side of the laundromat

Laundry pickup and delivery near me?

Our team of experts is dedicated to making your laundry experience seamless. We'll pick up your laundry from your home or business, and we'll meticulously follow the exact instructions you provide when scheduling your pickup through our Schedule a Pickup order. Once your laundry is cleaned, we'll deliver it back to you, freshly laundered and expertly folded...

We are delighted to offer pickup services from various locations, including busy main streets, dispersed apartment buildings, and hilltop homes. Laundry Wand - Laundry pickup and delivery bags waiting on the doorstep after being delivered Your laundry will receive top-notch care, with the choice of your preferred soaps or our eco-friendly homemade detergent. Afterward, it will be skillfully dried and neatly folded, allowing you to enjoy your day in the local area. Pasadena, Los Angeles, is a charming neighborhood, and we would be more than happy to come to your residence to assist with your laundry needs.

Visit our individual Pasadena neighborhood pages

Or go ahead and schedule a pickup now and we will be in your neighborhood and ready to wash and fold your laundry as quick as we can wave our wand.

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Pricing made simple

Pickup & Delivery is Free with our Wash & Fold laundry service. Laundry is charged by the pound. We calculate the weight when the laundry is clean and dry.

Our minimum order for Pickup & Delivery is 30 lbs and 15 lbs for in-store Wash & Fold.

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Weekly and Bi-Weekly Laundry Pickups, Priced Per lb

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Order Laundry Pickups When Ready, Priced Per lb

Click here to see a full price list and specific prices of specialty and oversized items.

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P.2ick.4up & Delivery.3

Experience the magic of Laundry Wand.

Thanks for visiting our website and reading about Laundry Wand's laundry pickup and delivery service in LA. We would love to do your laundry and have a ton of industry innovations and best practises that ensure we will launder your clothes the best way possible...

You can only know the magic of Laundry Wand’s Laundry Pickup and Delivery Service once you order your 1st scheduled pickup and delivery order.

Sch.3edul.2e a P.2ick.4up